Crypto Health

As we already know, Crypto Health is going to be the new norm for keeping your health data secured. If you are already in VYVO and you need to set up your new Inpersona app, these will be step by step instructions for you. If you can’t understand this, get with the person that brought you into this opportunity to help you out.

I always tell people to start off with the basics. Make sure your HELO Smart app is up to date. Then make sure your watch/band is charged before you update the firmware. Then you will download the Inpersona app and stop there. You are ready to begin your journey to keeping your Health Data safe and getting paid while doing so.


Update HELO Smart App and Watch/Band Firmware


  1. Open App store and click on your picture in top right
  2. Scroll down to where updates are and either “Update All” or find the HELO app and update
  3. App version 2.2.3(20) (this could be higher since I wrote this page)


  1. Open Google Play Store and click on your picture
  2. Choose Manage apps and device
  3. Under Overview, Updates available, “see details”
  4. Find the HELO Smart app and update
  5. App version (this could be higher since I wrote this page)

Updating your firmware for the device

  1. Open the Helo app and select device at the bottom (you will have to wait until the upload is done)
  2. When on device, scroll down to bottom. Make sure your watch is fully charged.
  3. Select firmware upgrade. Upgrade will take a little while. Then your watch will turn off. Don’t select “YES” until your watch turns back on and works properly.
  4. Your firmware should be at (this could be higher since I wrote this page)

Download the Crypto Health App

This app is going to be our main focus on everything for the devices and the business. We will be able to see how many tokens our Health watch or band is creating. Keep track of our wallet and NFT’s. Purchase more NFT’s and send our invite codes to others wanting in on the opportunity.

crypto health

Now everything is updated, it’s time to download the Crypto Health App known as Inpersona onto your phone. This will be a turquoise app with a white heart, right side of it has dots. To download it you can either go to on your phone and choose the link to whichever app store you have. Or you can open your app store and type in the search bar Inpersona. Now the app is downloaded open it up.

Steps To Setup Your Crypto Health App

Sign in to your Inpersona app and create your wallet

  1. Use the same email and password that you used for
  2. Next you will “Create New Wallet”
  3. You can name the wallet anything you want, i.e. your first name and then wallet.
  4. There will be some reading and lines telling you how important it is to keep your passphrase and pin safe. Check the boxes and go to the next page.
  5. Then you will come to a page that has twelve words or passphrase. All the words will be xxxxx’s
  6. ****IMPORTANT****Scroll down and hold down “reveal passphrase” and take screen shot, write it down in exact order (case sensitive). You must keep this safe and DO NOT give it to anyone else.
  7. Once you have written down your passphrase and triple checked it, you can click NEXT
  8. You will have to click the 12 words in order choosing the correct word from 3 random words.
  9. Now create an 8 digit PIN, again you need to remember this and NEVER forget it.

Now that you have your wallet setup and you have written the passphrase and pin down somewhere to keep it safe. You are ready for the next step of getting your NFT. This can take some time so be patient.

Select your Level of NFT. This is where some explanation is in order. An NFT is used to store the actual Personal Health Data. Here is a Presentation on our NFT process: (A Must Watch):

Getting your basic NFT

  1. Start by choosing the boxes down at the bottom left of the app and click on your name at the top left.
  2. In the list, choose “Vouchers & Promos”. Then click on the boxes on the right of the voucher to copy it. Arrow at top left, hit that twice. (if you don’t have the voucher & promos option, sign out of the app and then back in, then start at 1.)
  3. Now choose the bottom circle/globe, it is the 3rd one from the left.
  4. If you have an iPhone, type in the space next to “Go”, If you have an Android, should already be in the space so you just have to select “Go”.
  5. The next page you will have your NFT’s, start off by choosing the “BASIC” (on the left, $15.00)
  6. Scroll down and choose Buy Now
  7. The next page, find where it says “Have a voucher” and choose that. Click in the box and paste the voucher code you copied in step 2. Hit “APPLY”
  8. Scroll down and hit Continue
  9. Then scroll down again and “complete purchase” (the next page should say congratulations and your NFT is minting)

Once everything is done you can back out of this part of the app. The globe is like an internal internet to the Inpersona app. This next step could also take some time, your NFT might now show up right away.

Binding your NFT to your Crypto Health device

  1. Choose the boxes at the bottom, far left. Your NFT should show up there, this will look like the picture to the right.
  2. If your NFT is not there, first troubleshooting step will be to select the top right heart. Then choose a blockchain (polygon). If you still don’t have an NFT, choose the top left again. Then go back to Vyvo Smart Chain. If that doesn’t work, logout by selecting name and logout.
  3. If you NFT is there, select “Bind Your Device” (see picture), you will have to enter your 8 digit PIN
  4. Now the fun begins, DO NOT close out of your app but open your HELO app
  5. In the HELO app select device at the middle bottom. At top You will see the device name, connected and battery percent, and then MAC: address (a bunch of letters and numbers)
  6. You will need to copy the MAC address by selecting the little box on the right of it, NOW go back to your inpersona app
  7. Scroll down, there should be three boxes. First box says Helo/Vyvo in it, Second box says Device MAC. In this box is where you will paste your MAC address
  8. Now go back to the HELO app, choose profile bottom right. Click on your email at top.
  9. Under full name will be the UID number, copy that by selecting the little boxes on the right.
  10. Now go back to Inpersona app, scroll down and in the last box past the UID.
  11. Scroll down more and Bind to NFT.

You are done and ready to mine coins when the Founders Phase is up. Now if you want and are ready, let’s get you set up with the Level 3 NFT. This NFT will allow you to create more tokens, which in turn creates more money. It really is a no brainer.

Setting up your Crypto Health Founders Edition NFT Level 3

crypto health

This will be very similar to setting up your Basic, the only difference is you have to pay for it with either debit/credit card or with crypto. We will start off with the easy part of using a debit/credit card. (I used my AMEX and had no problem with it, the card has to be in your name)

Getting Founders Edition NFT Level 3

  1. Open app and select the Circle/Globe bottom third from the left and go to by selecting “Go”
  2. Next select the NFT Level 3 on the right $1500
  3. Scroll down and select Buy Now
  4. You will not have a Voucher, so select Continue
  5. Now you will select Credit Card and check the terms and condition box, complete purchase.
  6. This will take you to WERT Checkout where you will enter your Mobile Number and send code to enter. (On this page you can also see if your state is supported)
  7. You will receive an email from Wert telling you how much you qualify for and to click in the email “proceed to Checkout” (this will take you back to inpersona where you have to sign in again)
  8. Then you will fill out your credit card information. Complete this sale, then you will wait for a congratulations email saying your purchase has gone through.

This step is for Legacy people that already own a device you can proceed to Binding your current device to NFT Level 3. If you Don’t already have a device, scroll down past Binding and follow directions on redeeming your new device.

Binding to NFT Level 3

  1. Once you have confirmed the purchase you can back out of the internet area of the app
  2. Go to the squares at the bottom left
  3. First you will have to unbind your basic NFT. Meaning you need to click on the NFT and enter your PIN. Once the NFT opens up you will see “unbind”. Choose this.
  4. Now you will scroll over to your NFT Level 3 and select “bind your device”, you might have to put your PIN in again.
  5. Now the fun begins (AGAIN), DO NOT close out of your app but open your HELO app
  6. In the HELO app select device at the middle bottom. At top You will see the device name, connected and battery percent, and then MAC: address (a bunch of letters and numbers)
  7. You will need to copy the MAC address by selecting the little box on the right of it, NOW go back to your inpersona app
  8. Scroll down, there should be three boxes. First box says Helo/Vyvo in it, Second box says Device MAC. In this box is where you will paste your MAC address
  9. Now go back to the HELO app, choose profile bottom right. Click on your email at top.
  10. Under full name will be the UID number, copy that by selecting the little boxes on the right.
  11. Now go back to Inpersona app, scroll down and in the last box past the UID.
  12. Scroll down more and Bind to NFT.

Getting your Device from ordering the NFT Level 3 (ON YOUR PHONE)

crypto health
  1. On your phone, Start by opening the inpersona app and clicking on your name in top left corner.
  2. Find where it says Vouchers & Promos and select that.
  3. You should have a voucher that says “100% off on any Helo Device”, select the copy squares on the right of the voucher.
  4. Now open up a browser and type in, then select “Shop”
  5. Click the three lines at top left (hamburger) and choose Sign In
  6. Enter your email you use for Vyvo and Inpersona, once email is entered select “Get OTP”
  7. Keep the browser open but go to your email and get the OTP (One Time Password)
  8. Enter that in the space provided, and click on “verify OTP”, now you will be signed into the site
  9. You will now be in the Helo Store, Choose the device you would like, band or watch and add it to your cart.
  10. Select the three lines at top right, then choose your shopping cart (should have a 1 in it)
  11. Now scroll down and click on “I have a promo code”, then paste your code you retrieved from inpersona app and apply.
  12. Process checkout is the next step so scroll down.
  13. Fill out all your information and choose next
  14. Complete the purchase and you will be done

One thing to remember, DO NOT try to get your device and subscription on the same order. You will need to do these separately. Once you have done this you will be done until you receive your device. When you receive your watch, scroll up to Binding your device to your NFT.

If You Have Issues, Create a support ticket!

There are many different issues with the Crypto Health App that you could have. Remember this is a ground floor business so there are bound to be some hiccups. Be patient and the wonderful support team will get everything resolved. It just takes time. Here is the first thing you will do…..

  1. Click on your name at top left in the inpersona app
  2. Choose “Help”
  3. Top right there will be three green lines (hard to see), select those
  4. Submit a Request
  5. You will enter your email (the one you signed in with), Subject, Description of issue, Support Language, Priority (Optional), and if you have any attachment (i.e. screen shots, emails, etc.). Then choose submit.
  6. Your support ticket could take some time to get to so please be patient. DO NOT submit another support ticket for the same issue you had.

Common issues we have seen

  1. Legacy members not seeing hubs after they got their Basic NFT (it will say Personal instead of legacy in the HealthFi & SocialFi tab on bottom right) – SUBMIT A REQUEST
  2. Vouchers & Promos not showing up in menu – Be patient, Logout and Log back in, Give this some time. If they never show up, SUBMIT A REQUEST
  3. After getting NFT (either one), they don’t show up in Dashboard (squares bottom left) – Be patient, Logout and Log back in, Give this some time. If they never show up, SUBMIT A REQUEST